


What Are the Basics of Organic Chemistry? Can You Do My Chemistry Homework?

Do you want to learn about the basics of organic chemistry? Are you feeling difficulty completing your organic chemistry homework? Organic chemistry is a study of the structure, proposition, reactions, and compositions of carbon-containing compounds. Students who choose chemistry during their academic career has to deal with many assignments on various topic of chemistry. Your professor assigns you multiple assignments to check your level of understanding of the subject matter. However, students struggle when it comes to preparing assignments.

The ultimate goal of every student is to achieve high grades in their exams. But you can’t get success if you don’t submit your work on time. For a better understanding of the subject matter, one has to keep focusing on the chemistry basics. But due to certain reasons, students can’t do their homework on time. Thus, they look for someone who can do their assignment on time. If you are struggling with a similar issue, get chemistry assignment help from professional academic writers.

A Brief Introduction of Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is a study of, structure, synthesis, properties of the diverse group of chemical compounds primarily made of carbon. Life on this earth is carbon-based and organic chemistry is the basis of biochemistry. Do you know that organic compounds are molecules composed of hydrogen and carbon with numerous other elements? Notably, it’s a study of carbon compounds. In other words, it’s a highly creative science that allows chemists to explore and create molecules and compounds. That is why chemists spend most of their time in the creation of new compounds.  They also find better ways of synthesizing existing compounds.

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon. Did you know carbon is unique because it bonds with itself differently? The number of carbon compounds is greater than the number of compounds formed from combining all the elements on the periodic table. That is why there is a separate field of organic compounds. And, the remaining elements are lumped into inorganic chemistry and the remaining elements are lumped into inorganic chemistry.

Why Is Organic Chemistry Important?

As discussed earlier, organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with organic compounds and molecules. This subject is broad and has a lot of applications in the real world. This branch of chemistry is the backbone of medicine, food, pharmaceutical, beverages, petroleum, and many more. Pharmacists create medicines with the help of organic chemistry that will cure harmful diseases. Organic compounds make small molecular drugs such as Viagra, Prilosec, Zyrtec, Adderall. It also improves the flavours of food and beverages through the synthesis of molecules. We also can synthesize molecules to improve the quality of clothing. Do you know all the bio-chemistry reactions are fundamentally organic chemistry reactions? Moreover, through organic compounds, you can make plastics, synthetic clothing, and dyes. In short, much of modern life is impossible without organic chemistry.

The Basics of Organic Chemistry

The focus of organic chemistry is carbon because carbon is central to all living organisms. That is why numerous products are made from carbon compounds such as clothes, drugs, and plastics. Even diamonds are the carbon atoms in a crystal structure. The reason why diamonds are so hard is that they are bonded closely together in a crystal form. That is why carbon is considered an excellent structural element in other forms as well. Moreover, one atom of carbon is combined with up to four other atoms. Organic compounds are large and consist of living organisms such as carbohydrates, nuclear acids, proteins, and lipids.

Carbon Is a Key of Organic Chemistry

In the outer shell, carbon atoms have four electrons that can bond with other atoms. For instance, when carbon makes a bond with hydrogen, the carbon atom shares one electron with hydrogen, and hydrogen also shares an electron with carbon. Carbon-hydrogen molecules are known as hydrocarbons. Even nitrogen, oxygen, and sulphur also make a bond with carbon.

Large Carbon Chains = Low Reactivity

When carbon atoms are joined in a straight line or rings, then the large molecules form. The longer the chain of carbon, the lower the reactivity of the compound is. It is also considered that a compound is less reactive when its boiling point and melting point are high. Likewise, the lower the boiling and melting point of the compound is, the more reactive it is.

For instance, the hydrocarbons methane, which is a component of natural gas, has just one atom or four hydrogen atoms. Because it is the shortest carbon compound with a lower boiling point of (162°C), it’s highly reactive. On the other hand, a compound made of high carbon compounds with a temperature of (174°C) is less reactive and not in a gaseous form at room temperature.

Formation of Functional Groups Based on Properties

In inorganic chemistry, compounds that have similar properties (whether chemical or physical) are grouped. The compounds with a similar property are those which has similar groups of atoms. In scientific terminology, we call these groups of the atom as functional groups. The chemical properties of such groups are that one substance changes into another substance when a reaction occurs. For example, chlorine gas reacts explosively when mixed with sodium. The result of the chemical reaction is the new substance, sodium chloride (table salt).

While the physical properties mean the different forms of a substance, but the physical substance remains the same, and no chemical reaction occurs to a new substance. Furthermore, few more properties of the functional groups are polarity and acidity. Polarity means one end of the molecule having a charge (polar) while the other end is non-polar. For instance, the plasma membrane having a polar charge (hydrophilic heads) on the outer side, and the hydrophilic tail, which are non-polar inside of the plasma membrane.

Can You Do My Organic Chemistry Homework for Me?

Chemistry is one of those subjects that students find difficulty in studying. For students who undertake organic chemistry as their major subject in their academic career, it becomes tough to grasp all the concepts related to hydrocarbons, metalloids, and oxygen, etc. Students seem enigmatic and confusing when their professor assigns them organic chemistry homework. Students who struggle with the subject matter wonder and ask themselves: Is there anyone who can do my assignment for me? Can I get a well-written assignment? Or, who will do my homework? Well! If you are not comfortable in writing such a complicated assignment, you need to seek help from a reliable and authentic source. Many online assignment writing services help students in completing their tasks on time. Although, you need to carefully find an authentic assignment writing service provider who writes original papers from scratch.

Many students are aware of chemistry basics, but still, they are not capable of writing organic chemistry assignments. Don’t worry! Professional academic writing services do your homework on your behalf and ensure to deliver high quality and perfectly composed paper that impresses your professor.

Get Expert Organic Chemistry Assignment Assistance That Ace Your Grades

Organic chemistry is the study of hydrocarbons, molecules, carbon compounds, and their properties, structure, and reactions. Due to the significance of organic compounds in our life, the importance of studying organic chemistry has increased significantly. Students who choose organic chemistry courses in college and university life have to study concepts related to molecular structure and chemical reactions. The subject is advance in nature, that is why the majority of the students find it complicated. They look for someone who can do their organic chemistry assignment on their behalf. Many online tutoring services offer assignment assistance to students and provide quality assignment solutions. Online academic writing services hire adept and experienced writers who have vast industry experience.

Organic chemistry expert writers firstly demonstrate how to solve problems and then break down the tricky concepts into chunks to make it easier for you. Not only this, but they provide written examples and explanations that you can use as a guide to complete your paper. What else do you need? Hire an expert writer today and get benefit from his experience.

Few Final Words

Organic chemistry is a broad subject that has numerous concepts. Students studying this subject have to understand the chemistry basics so they can compose compelling chemistry homework. If you have inadequate knowledge about the subject matter and don’t know about the chemistry basics, then you need to go through the above-mentioned guide about the basics of chemistry. Although! Many students undertake this subject but feel not comfortable composing assignments on their own. If you are facing the same difficulty, you can acquire help from chemistry assignment help services. Online academic writing services hire professional writers who can compose well-written, high-quality, and unique chemistry homework. The industry experts with a proven track record in this field will craft your assignments. What could be better than this? Hire an online writer today and get a quality solution.