


Speech Writing: The Do’s and Don’ts of A Successful Debate Structure

Speech writing is different from other forms of conventional writing. The most significant quality of a speech is a blend of what you write and how you speak about it. Even if you are good with words, you must know how to face your listeners. It is not easy to master your emotions while battling with words. No doubt, it becomes more than easy for you when you are also a writer of the speech you are going to deliver. This write-up will guide you about all the essential features of an effective speech writing. If you study all the following points with keen interest, we are sure you will become proficient enough to develop a successful debate structure.

The Do’s and Don’ts You Shall Always Keep in Mind

Like any other good piece of writing, a debate structure has many cores features you cannot afford to ignore. Above all, you will write it for yourself keeping in mind your audience. If you are not aware of the interests of people listening to you, their interest will be lost the moment you utter a few starting words. For your convenience, we have divided this blog into two portions. With regard to speech writing, the do’s and don’ts of a successful debate structure is the first thing you must know about. The rest will just work like magic when you overcome that part. We would not only guide you on writing and structuring a good debate but also tell you how to seek help from expert writers online. But before that, you must know how to do it on your own.

So, what are we waiting for, let us start the magic!

First, we would present the Do’s of good speech writing. You must not drop any of these if you want to write and deliver an impressive speech.

Choose a Topic You are Good at

In most cases, you are free to choose a topic on your own. With this in mind always go for a topic you already have enough knowledge about. It will help you maintain the flow even if you miss some points. In most cases when it is your favourite topic, you do not have to write the whole body of your speech. You can just deliver a good debate with the help of an outline. All you have to do is organize the points, memorize them and get ready for a charismatic delivery.

Organize Your Speech Writing Thoughts

Organize Your Speech Writing Thoughts

Even before composing your words, compose and organize your thoughts. It is the best way to write a refined paper. In other words, you will be able to fit various pieces of information in the form of a single thought. It will also help you generate new ideas with regard to your topic. All that brainstorming will help you decide what to include in your draft and what to omit.

Write an Outline Before Speech Writing

Regardless of what topic you are given, the most essential part is to write down all the important points. These would in turn help you in writing an impressive outline. Obviously, you may not be able to write the whole speech in a single sitting. The outline will help you continue from where you left it. As a matter of fact, continuity is the core of a good speech, the moment you lose it you are standing nowhere. Here are the essentials of a good outline:


No need to mention, your whole debate structure depends upon it, so it is more than essential to think it over again and again. After that comes the introduction. It is something that will grasp the attention of your audience. Note down the points you want to discuss during that phase of your speech. Try to be concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details. Just treat it like a glimpse of what you are going to orate initial minutes. To put it differently, a good intro will help you build the momentum.

Body of your Speech Writing

After a brief intro comes to the body of your speech. It is the part you will be talking about most of the time. So, it must be a detailed version of your debate. The outline of that portion will be like a soliloquy, a dialogue with yourself. The main focus shall be on attention grabbing points. Notably, comprising of hints that you can just use to recall the whole idea you have conceived. Specifically phrases you can use to explain your ideas more clearly. That part must be well organized and logically structured. Jumbled ideas would rather mislead and confuse you. To complete the main point or central idea you must use transition words.

 A Brief Conclusion

After all, what you have discussed must be concluded. Without a windup, you will just leave your audience in oblivion. To save them and yourself from that inconvenience, you can rather leave them with a question. However, it shall not be literally a question otherwise the sense of closure will be lost. In either case, leave your audience some for thought.

Choose the Right Words for Speech Writing

Selection of words plays a vital role in writing anything. When it comes to speech writing, your words tell the story. If not chosen wisely, you may lose your overall impact. To save you from that awkward situation, here are some points to help you:

  • Know your audience and its interest level. You must deliver what they want to hear. It will help you develop a word bank according to the context.
  • Build a strong vocabulary through study. To put it differently, do study on the topic you are going to deliver a speech about.
  • Always be precise, never use five words when two can fulfil the requirement. It will help you save both, time and word bank.
  • When writing a speech, do it with full zeal. It will help you chose the right set of words that will in turn sound authentic.

Revise The Main Theme More Than Once

Revise The Main Theme More Than Once

Above all, a speech has to be delivered orally. You cannot just read and describe the points. That will make it more like a presentation. In turn, it will distract your audience and you may lose control over them. To save yourself from all that uneasiness, you must keep most of the points in mind. Revision and editing will help you do that more easily.

The best way is to revise it loudly, it will give you a chance to hear your own words. Now along with writing, you have also become a listener to your own words. If some words do not sound impressive or even unnecessary, just omit them. That is how you can also refine the draft into a more authentic piece of writing.

Make Short Sentences With an Impressive Tone

Like impressive words, short and meaningful sentences are also essential for good speech writing. By the same token, your tone is equally important. If you use long sentences, your listeners might forget what you said previously. It will give rise to a lack of interest from their side. As a result, your speech will become sluggish and you would not be staying true to your own voice. Longer sentences might put a good impact while writing, but not when spoken in front of a gathering.

Proofread for Errors

Though no one will read what you have written, it must be error-free. It is necessary for your own authenticity. A draft full of mistakes will not be impressive even for your own self. Thus, you can lose interest in your own speech writing. Of course, editing is also equally important in the same sense.

Repetitions are Good

Many writers are afraid of repetitions of ideas, it might be true in the case of prose writing, but not when you are writing lines for a speech. However, you must not use the same wording as it will give rise to a lack of authenticity. It will also help your audience grasp the ideas they had lost previously and wold not attend to thoughtfully.

Don’ts of a Speech Writing Structure

Here are a few of the most important things you must avoid while writing a successful debate:

  • Do not use ideas you are not sure about.
  • Avoid topics that you are not interested in. Your lack of interest will be projected in your audience too.
  • Do not include stories or incidents. They might be interesting for you but not for the audience. Some of them may have heard all that somewhere else, so it will not be interesting for them.
  • Avoid using words which are difficult enough to understand. If your audience does not understand you, they would just stare at you with empty mindedness. It will not only distract you but also may act like poison for your delivery.
  • Do not include questions you do not how to answer yourself. If anyone cross arguments from the audience, he or she may steal the show instead of you.
  • Poor construction of sentences shall always be avoided, if you are not in control of your words, better delete them.
  • Never include clichés as these are never impactful. Your listeners would know it before you can even realize what caused them to lose interest in your speech.
  • Never use pompous words and phrases. It will also put an ill impression on your audience.

How can Professional writers help you?

How can Professional writers help you

Expert writers can be of real help especially when it comes to academic debate preparation. There are a lot of writing services online. With a little effort, you would find a lot of reliable service providers online. All you have to do is select the one that meets your needs and is affordable too. The biggest perk of such help you will get is a speech ready to deliver. All you have to do is practice. Many service providers like the Academics Hub, would also guide you in terms of speech preparation. You will get perfect guidance on how to deliver a great speech and what sort of techniques you must employ.

Here are a few of the advantages you get when acquiring help from a writing service:

  • You do not have to do the hectic task of research and writing all the stuff discussed above.
  • All you have to do is share your topic with experts and get your debate ready days before you actually have to deliver it.
  • Thus, you get a lot of time for practice and rehearse.
  • A writing help will make sure that you get a flawless copy free from all sorts of mistakes.
  • Last but not least, your time is saved for other essential tasks that are more important for your grades.

Final Thought

Speech writing is not as simple as it sounds. For a good delivery, you must practice a lot. It starts the moment you choose a topic. Then comes the drafting, you must create a strong outline. It shall be refined enough to support you during the speech. Furthermore, you must avoid practices that can destroy your debate structure. Anything that can give rise to a lack of interest from either shall be avoided. As a last option, if are short of time, you can also avail the option of professional help from some reliable writing service online.

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